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Join our nation Women's Ministry in 2020 "Chasing  Truth" by reading through the entire Bible. Click the button below to join the community.

Daily Devotional


Read Hebrews 9:23–28


It was necessary then, for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these (Hebrews 9:23).

Chapters 8 through 10 of Hebrews shows the relationship between law and grace. In Exodus 25 Moses was told to make the tabernacle and all its furnishings after the pattern God would show him. Everything connected with the Old Testament sacrificial system was only a shadow of the good things that would come under the new covenant.

 A key word in the Book of Hebrews is “better.” Christ is better than angels. He has a better, more excellent name than they do. No angel was ever called God’s Son. Christ introduced a better covenant based on better promises. Christ’s one sacrifice for sin forever was a better sacrifice than all the sacrifices of bulls and goats under the Old Testament sacrificial system. Jesus has provided for you a better resurrection and prepared for you a better country.

Thought for Today: With all this in mind what better thing can you do than commit your life to the One who has done all this for you?

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